Student. Developer. Entrepreneur.

About Me

I'm 21 years old and attend the University of Richmond where I'm double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics with a concentration in Data Science and Statistics. I love coding and the freedom for creativity that it enables. I have a stong grasp of several languages inlcuding Pythion, Java, SQL, and have experience with advnaced data structures and algorithms, app and web development, and database management. I also have a passion for music and DJing. Check out my playlists on Spotify and Soundcloud in the "Links" section!


Rally! Is an application designed to be a one stop shop for nightlife. Rally! Allows users to add friends and view statistics about bars and venues in their area. It increases transparency between consumers and vendors taking the stress and hassle out of going out. Download Rally! Download Rally! here.

Algorithmic Trading Bot
In addition to coding and math I have a strong interest in finance and the stock market. I wanted to learn more about the intersection between algorithms, math, and finance and did so by created my own algorithmic trading bot. This bot uses sentiment analysis on news headlines to determine whether to place buy or sell orders on given stocks. I incorporated stop losses, portion sizing, and other risk management features to ensure capital preservation, making this bot fully funcitonal on its own.

Social DJ
Social DJ is an app that eliminates the struggle of finding new music. As a DJ and big music fan I wanted to create a way for users to easily share songs they like and new songs they find. The current version of the app is desgined for Android phones but I'm working on making an iOS version before it gets released. Stay tuned!

Syllabus Planner
Syllabus Planner is a program that takes syllabi from courses uploaded by the user and adds all assignments to an Apple calendar. The goal of this project was to create something that would help my peers. This allows students to stay organized and succeed in school.